Saturday, November 26, 2005

Jrock again

Panic Channel - Remixed-nation the Movie (189.04 MB)(MU)

Pierrot - Barairo no Sekai (LIVE).mpeg (39632 KB)(YSI - 25 NOV)

Pierrot - Key Word (LIVE).avi (22982 KB) (YSI - 26NOV)

Pierrot - Mass Game (Paradoxical Genesis Tour).mpg(38868 KB) (YSI - 26NOV)

Pierrot - Makkana hana (LANDSCAPE SCRAPK CLUB CITTA).mpg" (43450 KB) (YSI - 26NOV)
((n_n) This is the 1st LIVE I got! It's this and Last Letter PV which got me hooked onto Pierrot!!)

Pierrot - Paradox (CLUB CITTA).mpeg" (55652 KB)

there any PV for these Pierrot LIVEs? I really liked these songs and
would hope to get their real PVs. If you have any of the PVs for these
LIVEs, Can I please please pretty please have it??? (>.<)
didn't think it's really necessary to upload these since alot of people
are uploadig Pierrots nowadays (from what I see (^^) alot of their fans
are real kind! (n_n)). But i thought that since I'm asking for things I
should put something up also. And also incase what I put up as LIVE is
their actual PV...(I'm very blur ya know) (@_@)...

OH!! and I've
been looking for Kirito's Door PV... any one have that??? I used to
have it... but then suddenly my WMP decided to stop playing it. And my
Lappie got jealous, refuse to let me open it. So I was forced to delete
it in order to do complete some work at school. But I really miss it...
Can anyone upload it for me? Thankz in advance!

Here's another upload...
Plastic Tree - Trance Orange Live.mpg (48116 KB) (YSI - 26NOV)